"In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances"
Carlos Slim Helú, Richest Man In The World 2012
Digital Arc Systems
You're experts at what you do.
We respect the knowledge and experience you've built up regarding your business. We're the folks who
take your business ideas, and make them happen through technology.
We are total solution people.
That means we will design and build your software, we will put together your hardware, we can put it out on
the internet, your backyard, your shop, a field, your pocket, your car, or wherever you need it to be.
We make the tech things go.
We can own the whole problem, or just the piece you want help with.
If you would like the particulars, take a look at our skill set:
Software Engineering
• Android, iPhone, Mac, & PC Software Development
• Software Architecture & Software Development Processes
• Javascript, JQuery, CSS, XCode, Swift
• Java, Groovy, Groovy on Grails, Ruby on Rails, Django
• C#, C, C++, Perl, Unix Shell Scripting, PHP, Python
• Configuration Management, Content Management,
Systems Engineering
• Systems Architecture & System Development Processes,
• Requirements Analysis, Functional Analysis, Synthesis
• Project Definition, Project Integration
Operating Platforms
• Mobile Cloud Server, Android, openwrt
• embedded Linux, iPhone, Mac OS X
• Linux, Unix, Windows (VISTA, 7, 8)
• Network Engineering (Design & Configuration)
• Digital Design, RF Operation
• x86- & ARM-based CPUs
• Arduino Embedded Development
• Raspberry Pi
Integration Technology
• Enterprise System Integration
• Web Services, ESB, JSON, RSS, KML
• Service Oriented Architectures
Infrastructure Services
• Hazard Analysis, Hazard Mitigation
• Quality Assurance
• Configuration Management
• Process Improvement
Our Team

Noah Ternullo, Principal Developer and Systems Engineer
Getting a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering, and a masters in Computer Science, Noah focused on technology because that's "where the magic is." Over the course of his career, Noah has worked with companies like Boeing, General Electric, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Cisco, and General Dynamics. At Lockheed Martin he learned systems engineering: How to deal with complicated systems, multitudes of stake holders, cutting through the noise to get to the driving requirements, and ensuring that despite a system's complexity, it worked as intended when complete. Noah has been an innovator and leader throughout his career, achieving awards and patents for himself and his teams. Noah has a wide comfort zone, managing teams of people and resources across multiple companies, or applying his certifications in Java, networking, and SEI software architecture.

Derek DiPietro, Lead Developer
Derek is a great asset to Digital Arc Systems. With a bachelor's in UI Design and an associate's in Computer Science, Derek’s years of experience has brought the best of design and implementation into a single lead position at Digital Arc Systems.

Ken Sprague, Testing Lead
With a bachelor's in computer science and philosophy, Ken has three decades of experience in development and testing, working for both the government and private companies. Ken now applies his wealth of experience to running software tests and hardware assembly for Digital Arc Systems.
Your IP and Privacy
With innovation comes intellectual property (IP). Our solutions will provide value to you, and we wholeheartedly agree that you should get what you pay for. We start every job ensuring a clear understanding and agreement on your IP needs. The majority of our clients utilize IP Agreements with us and we're more than OK with that.
There are a multitude of reasons why you may not want other folks to know what we work on together, not the least of which is being the first to bring something to market. Because of this, we're no stranger to safeguarding your privacy, both in the way we work, but also through agreements. Many of our customers also use non-disclosure agreements, and we're OK with that too.